The Lane Report Interview

Emily was featured in the April 2019 issue of the Lane Report, Kentucky’s primary business magazine. Each month, a young professional is profiled, and Emily was honored to be asked for an interview. She discussed her services, organizing best practices, and Marie Kondo.

Sparking joy, anyone?

Central Kentucky professional organizer Emily Evans appreciates the mainstream attention being given to her industry with the popular KonMari method of purging and tidying, thanks to author and Netflix host Marie Kondo. Evans does quibble with the show’s unrealistic expectation of being done with decluttering by getting started.

“I wish they had let people know there’s nothing wrong with them,” she adds.

Clients should expect an organizer to stay with them through the whole process, and hiring a professional organizer shouldn’t be thought of as a frivolous expense but as a service that gives you back some time.

“When things aren’t organized, time is wasted,” Evans said. “Money is wasted buying something when you can’t find it.”

She helps overwhelmed clients organize a closet, for instance, by asking, “Do you really love this? When is the last time you wore it? Does it spark joy?” Then she hauls away excess items, taking pet supplies and towels to the Humane Society, clothing to the Hope Center or the Nest Center for Women, Children & Families.

“It helps them let go,” Evans said, “knowing it is going to someone who could really use it.”